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The Ugly Truth!

I saw this movie starring Gerard Butler, Katherine Heigl called "The Ugly Truth".. It's got some ugly language in it but kind of.. mmmm... you might call it 'intriguing' stuff in there... its not a masterpiece movie. I actually saw this movie because it had Gerard starring in it...

In the movie he is Mike Chadway a TV anchor who hosts a show called 'ugly truth' and he mostly talks about relationships and er... stuff like that.. what bothers me a lot is that he says "Men are Simple!". All that they want is looks, no complications, no commitments... Hey girlie thats a english movie you cant relate it to this society.. yeah i know that.. the only difference is that those people do not have a defined social structure and we have one.. but otherwise all men are same.

If there is one more interesting aspect about the movie its this dialog the female lead delivers near the end of the movie. It goes like:

Abby Richter: I'm sorry, but Jack Magnun will no longer be able to do 'The Ugly Truth', which should really come as no surprise because men are completely unreliable. Take Mike Chadway, for instance. He up and quit the show, without so much as a word. You think you know what men are going to do. You think you know what men want to do, but when it comes right down to that moment where they need to step up and, I don't know, make a move - they chicken out.
Mike: Oh! I am all over this.
Abby Richter: The big strong brave men, that we've all been reading about in novels and watching in movies since we've been nine years old, - -that's a fantasy. They don't exist. Men are not strong. Men are not brave. Men, are afraid. Even if they have a moment in a hotel elevator and it's totally romantic and full of potential, men are incapable of copping to it because, why? Men are weak.
Mike: Let me tell you something about women. Women would have us believe that they are the victims; That we break their hearts for sport. That's crap. They say they want romance, they say they want true love, but all they want is a check list. Is he perfect? Is he handsome? Is he a doctor? For you men who fit the criteria, don't kid yourselves. Cuz they're not sleeping with you, they're sleeping with a carefully calculated set of venal choices. Money over substance, looks over soul, polished over principles. No gesture, no matter how real or romantic will ever compensate for a really impressive list of credentials.
Abby Richter: This coming from a man who's never made a gesture other than this one. (she does something and i did not understand what it was :-o) [courtesy: IMDB]

well anyways its a movie.. so it ends in contradiction with the opinions of the female lead.. :D

What men really expect i don't know.. but if im guessing right it must be: spontaneous, not a control freak, no whining, a total babe.. and every girl on the planet tries to be that - thats where she loses her identity. Well, thats as basic as an animal instinct isn't it? the peacocks have big beautiful feathers, the cuckoo bird sings awesome songs.. all this to attract the female to themselves. But we both men and women try to attract the opposite by grooming ourselves in a particular way that appeals to 'the one'.

Thinking deeply I'm pretty confused about which side to talk for and which to talk against.. I usually take the female side, but this time I'm finding it difficult to do so... because i hear equal number of stories of girls dumping guys and guys dumping girls. Not expressing themselves properly and wrongly interpreted words being one of the main reasons.

To be true the female side is a bit on the disadvantageous side.. I've heard umpteen number of stories about girls with multiple number of boy friends. "ok you are the guy! (sweet smile) lets go out (appealing) shell out all your money (you love me.. comon you can spend the bucks on me) now you are a loser (wow i got that awesome *whatever* now is the time to ditch) get lost get away from me i dont want you i hate you.." bah!! and we must also consider the fact that guys always fall for these girls. Are guys always this moronic??? or wait.. these guys are also like these girls?? easily bored with 'just one'??

world would be a peaceful place if the phrase "nice guys (girls) get nice girls (guys)" was true all the time for all people. Then bad people would pair up with each other and live happily.. only when the categories mix up the problems arise.

When i started writing this.. i intended it to be against men and about how they are incapable of expressing themselves, but i had a very long argument with a friend which started with 'so whats the ugly truth?' and took a turn toward 'all that people want is money and only money!!'

Since the argument with my friend confused me to the ultimatum.. i'll finish with one incident that i heard from a friend of mine. My friend studied in an arts college in coimbatore, one of her classmates married her murai mama (somebody like that). Note: the marriage is registered. Later she learns that the murai mama has some trouble in his nose and ditches him for some other healthy guy (not to mention wealthy). I honestly dont know if she knows what she is playing with.. its her own life and that of two others which she has no rights to play with.

As a not-so-strong feminist... I am not happy with the post.


  1. Kums, i don't have anything to say about this yet...

    But i think, Gerard Butler was too ruggedly handsome in the movie ! Katherine Heigl was not upto her usual pretty self !

  2. definitely a truth........and a great topic to discuss.......


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