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To the fussy maiden!

I recently took part in a woman's forum meeting at work. The issue that was mostly discussed was men staring at women for their looks, their clothes etc etc etc.

I don't know how long it will take women to realize that when we dress up all glam, we are surely going to get some "appreciative" glances every now and then. Making a fuss about it is a waste of time! You could do that when you want to show off that you are getting some attention.

Women dress up, and men get attracted. Thats basic human nature. The animal instinct. You shouldn't be complaining about it!

The pervs do the wolf whistles and stuff to get attention. You should not react to them, react as in get angry, flirty, upset, happy, everything counts. That means that they win! This is one valuable lesson to remember: learn to ignore.

Nothing can rebuff them like being ignored.

I don't know how many ladies are going to get upset about this post, and I frankly think I am right.

If you do not have enough attitude to ignore their attention, stop wearing those kinda clothes and stop fretting about it! You and I and everybody else knows thats what happens when you dress up (down)!

Just be happy that you know your dress is good and you look good. (but with some toned down attitude okay? we dont want the men/women to be complaining about our headstrong attitude with only a few days past women's day, do we?)


P.S: One interesting outcome of the meeting was that, I confirmed my doubts about men gossiping about girls. They gossip just like how we do. But I only guess thats even worse.


  1. Women dress up, and men get attracted. Thats basic human nature.
    I would love to see some lionesses coming out of their dens to find their prey...

  2. That's totally the truth!!!
    M proud of you thangs :)

  3. @divya: oh yeah.. lets dress to kill! ;) :P
    @Sajjeev: Thank you annz!

  4. agree with u , cant imagine when guys gossip about girls..>.<

  5. How I wish all women at work are like you... Sigh.

    1. oh havent you heard of the term "original museum piece"? thats me! :D

  6. this talk is never ending one yaar , its nature ,, we tend to do it every time even though we try not to do !!!!!!!!! good blog :)
    keep bloggggggggggingggggggg :)

  7. Tats Rite!! and u r not alone as 'Original Museum Piece' :)

  8. This work is really awesome for all women. The real part of life.

  9. Wow, okay, first of all I agree that revealing attire is inappropriate for any office setting, male or female. However, "simply ignoring" the situation doesn't help. This only teaches those types of people that they can get away with degrading you to your face. Immediate confrontation of the issue is really the only way to stop the problem. Avoidance and ignorance only breed more chaos.
    Joy Johnson

    1. Well, I was not talking about people wearing revealing clothes to work. I am only complaining about the attitude that some women show...

  10. Really nice article :)
    Every article on your blog is absolutely readable. I can learn something new here everyday.

    Thank you very much!

  11. Conversations about Women among Men involve boobs and asses. But we never make any fuss when women check us out or whistle at us.

  12. I am not sure if I am right, if revelaing cloths are inappropriate then is all covered cloths inappropriate in Miami Beach ?? Guess its all once choice, and if somebody gathers attention then the penny spend on that cloth is worth it or you are attractive enuf to a stranger which is eather ways a positive take away.. most of our great great grand mom were wearing much more revealing cloths than these days.. culture is bound to change every 10 yrs and these discussion will fade away in few decades. Wondering how this topic was even taken by moden women to discuss..

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  13. I guess u r an avg looking girl just craving for attention.Men staring at u may be ok wit u coz tat s rare for a plain jane like u..n wat do u think u r?? sociologist! anthropologist!..The Attitude for blaming women for complaining abt men's stare shows tat u r jealous and suffering frm an IC...Get help b***ch!!!

  14. am really sorry..was harsh!! very sorry.

    1. Lol!! you are exactly the type i am talking about!! How can flashing the "look at me" signs and complaining go together?? get your mind straight.

    2. And if you are the noble Miss Popular.. why keep yourself anonymous..?? now who is hiding. you can call me whatever you like but i have the confidence to show myself!

    3. Kums, why do you reply to everything?!
      You dont have to, you know that right ?!

    4. Yeah I dont have to... but it was tooo good to miss!! :D :P

  15. Kums. Double like on the "Noble Miss popular".
    Cheers !

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