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One thing I love about Coimbatore is its rains...!!! We, the Coimbatoreans are gifted with rains during both the south-west and north-east monsoon season.

The first of rains for this season made an amazing entry I should say. What started as a hot day turned out to be very cool... and the climate has remained cool till now. Never very hot and never bitingly cold - that's what makes Coimbatore really special.. I hope people who have left Coimbatore would agree with me.

Rain and rain drops, according to me, make a beautiful subject of photography... :) even if i am not a great photographer, I have tried to capture their beauty with my lens :)

The first picture shows drops of rain water on a young leaf. I think it looks happy :) I always liked playing with water drops on glass, this time I have played with my lens :)

(P.S: I think the water marks are ok this time??)


  1. Guess u need to move on to
    Pretty good photoblogs. U would enjoy them, while boosting ur photography.
    Must say, Good work.

  2. I feel so blessed and happy about our motherland sweets! And about the pics guess i should put it this way "Picture Perfect!" :) good job lil blogger! :)

  3. Ohh... dear... thanks for the compliment :)

  4. thanks sudharsh... I hope u agree with the water mariking this time :)

  5. d 2nd pis is simply CLASS ! good goin dudette..c'mon lets start a amateur pfotography club at our lovely coll!!![:O] ;p

  6. Oh Dear!! thanks!! and there is a club existing already!! we'll revolutionize it..!!!

  7. மழைக்கால பயணங்களில்
    ஜன்னலோர இருக்கைகள் ...
    சாரல்களுக்கு பயந்து ....



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