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Tag..!! :)

1. Where is your cell phone?
On the table, besides the mouse.. easy to reach..!!

2. Where is your significant other?
Well... you knw.. its kind off... tought question...!!!!!!!!!!

3. Your hair color?
Dark Brown I guess... :)

4. You’re a mother?
Not yet..!! ;)

6. Your favorite thing?
Cant be partial towards just one... my fav things are my camera, my mobile, my activa, list goes on...!!

7. Your dream last night?
Guess i had a sound sleep.. i dont remember the dream...

8. Your dream/goal?
Complete my UG successfully and then continue my studies to become Professor (or at the least Professional) Kumutha. :)

9. The room you're in.
The Hall.

10. Your hobby?
Photography, Books, The Internet and Music

11. Your fear?

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Six years from now I dont want to be in my hometown.. would like to go see the world... And probably i'll be a bride-to-be or newly wed.. :)

13. Where were you last night?
Last night I was at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy with Harry, Ron and Hermoine...!!! (was watching Harry Potter part 1 to 4 on DVD)

14. What you're not?
I am not a Baddy... ;)

15. One of your wish-list items?
Travel alone.

16. Where you grew up?
At Home ofcourse...!!!

17. The last thing you did?
Finished off a telephone conversation.. :)

18. What are you wearing?
Clothes.. :P

19. Your TV?
What is TV??

20. Your pet?
Dont have a pet yet... :(

21. Your computer?
Desktop ;)

22. Your mood?
Happy today.. but im still feeling laaaaaazy...

23. Missing someone?
Er... not really...

24. Your car?
I drive one in my day dreams.

25. Something you're not wearing?
Why should something im not wearing matter??

26. Favorite store?
Never mind what store it is... i simply love shopping... :)

27. Your summer?
Thought of spending it usefully... ;) Actually my summer is boring, exams were better i guess :)

28. Love someone?
Shhhh Secret.. ;)

29. Your favorite color?
Black...!!! The Color Of Dreams...

30. When is the last time you laughed?
Today morning while chatting with dad..

31. Last time you cried?
When i read the story titled "Sandy, I Can't!!" in The 6th Chicken Soup for The Soul.

32. Are you a bitch?
I'm innocent...!!!

33. Favorite Position?

34. Favorite Past Time? Reading, Chatting, Sleeping...!!!

35. Are you a hater or a Lover?
Depends :)

37. Are you genuine or fake?
I am Genuine..!! You cant survive long if you fake..!!!

38. Any Vices?
Not always a good girl to Dad...!!!

39. Pro Life or Wire Hanger?
I really dont understand this.. :-o

40. McCAIN or OBAMA?
OBAMA..!!! Tall, Dark and Handsome..!! ;)

41. Pro Plastic or Natural?
Natural,I happy with what i have... to me, I am the BEST... :)

42. Dream Job?
I do not have any such thing in mind, I just want a job that is demanding and whose pay check is sufficient.

43. were the last 11 questions PINK added on fun?
LOL, a few of them were!!

44.Pass the tag to?
Whoever wants to take it..!! Let's get TAGGING...!!


  1. sooo nice!! [:)] i'll pass on d tags to u! he he ivlo sincere a ukandhu post panirka illa :)

  2. Hi Kums. I am Pooja. And I want to talk to you. Could you email me ur email id @ , I belong to ADU 99 - 03 batch.

  3. BTW, I loved your conversation a lot!!


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