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From Frogs to The Prince!

What if I wrote short open letters to all the frogs that I met in my life? Don't ask me what triggered this thought process I don't remember now, mom brains! With a toddler around it is a miracle I managed to write this blog, all credits to the notes I wrote down. I am not going to mention names here. But if you are in this list you will know its you. Frog #1 I knew you weren't interested in me and that you were too good for me. But then, you were perfect for my adolescent hormones, thank you for that. But the way I turned out, you might regret letting me go unnoticed. Frog #2 Man, I was bowled over by the brains and the intelligent banter. I was quite disappointed with the looks department but then was matured enough to let it go, until one fine day you turned out to be some psycho blah blah blah stalker types. I have absolutely no regrets. Frog #3 This was a classic case of peer pressure. I liked you but crushing on you was a side effect of having mutua...
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